Friday, December 28, 2007

Wishing you all a Groovy New Year!

So we have a new picture of Esther and I just love how it shows her contagious smile and beautiful face. I so missed her this past holiday and there was not a minute I was not thinking of her. I know she is doing fine with Violet and Devota's family, but as my child it hurts that she is not here with us. I have been really thinking of the next step and can not wait for the new year to get back to a game plan. I have not given up and will continue to hope. This time around I promised myself not to get my hopes up, but in reality I can not do that. Still everyday I hold out hope and every night I am disappointed. Does it still consume me? Yes very much, but this year has made me stronger and I am able to go on day to day. I also sat back and felt very blessed this year for the family we do have together and all the love we have for one another. The twins are getting so big and my kids are having more fun each Christmas. Santa Claus actually wrote Glacier a letter and she is still chatting about it. It seems as everyone got their wishes. This year I had the family make wishes and stick them in ornaments so next year we can see if they have been granted. I am sure you can all guess what one of mine is. Oma and Glacier both wished for snow and on Christmas Day our houses were dusted with a beautiful light snow fall. So, it was a wonderful holiday for the Raymond's and we are now off to our annual ski vacation at the cabin. I am looking forward to the New Year and can not wait for what will happen. Keep your fingers crossed that our sweet Esther will someday be here with her family. I hope you all had a great Christmas and will have an even more fun New Years. be Safe and take care of one another. We loved every one's holiday cards and once again was reminded of what a wonderful amount of friends and family we have. Our love to all of you and HAPPY 2008!

1 comment:

{B} said...

Hi Nicole! She is so beautiful! I cannot wait to read up more about your family and adoption expierence. Thank you for introducing yourself to me!
